The Pressice Barware Ice Ball Press Pickleback Recipe
01: The pickleback
You’ve heard of the pickleback: this now-famous shot was invented in 2006 by Reggie Cunningham in a small Brooklyn bar called the Bushwick Country Club.
It’s simple.
Step 1: Pour a shot of Jameson Irish Whiskey and drink it.
Step 2: Chase it down with a shot of pickle juice.
However, this recipe is a twist on the classic pickleback, and will be a show stopper for your friends at social gatherings that puts the Ice Ball Press front and center.

Find your pickle juice and your ice block mold. Since the liquid will expand as it freezes, make sure to fill up the ice mold to 90-95% of the way. Place the mold into your freezer and wait 4-6 hours for the 4 cavity mold to completely freeze over.

After it comes out of the mold, let it sit for 3-5 minutes. Once it gets glossy and perspires, place it back into the freezer. Although this step isn't necessary, it will prevent your pickled ice sphere from cracking when you pour your liquor over it. By tempering the ice ball, it will stop the warmer liquid from shocking it into splintering when poured over.

STEP 3: Press and Enjoy
Run your aluminum ice ball press by placing the block in between the two halves of the press. After about a minute, or less if you run it under hot water beforehand, your block will transform into a perfect ice sphere. The longer the pickled ice sits in your drink, the more intense the pickle flavor will be. We've found that letting the ice ball sit for 7-10 minutes is the perfect amount of dilution! Now go out there and try it as we want your feedback on your now more refined drinking experience.

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